Meet Paul Haslam

Former CEO now Business transformation Consultant and Executive Coach focussed on Leadership and personal and professional career development.

Dedicated Councillor for Bilton and Nidd Gorge in Harrogate for 10 years, – campaigner for change – successfully opposed council on a proposed relief road through an area of outstanding natural beauty; successfully tabled a motion to support bathing water status at Knaresborough Lido and now Climate Change Champion.

The perfect apprenticeship for the role of Mayor.

In council

Paul Haslam CouncilI’ve been a councillor for ten years, starting at Harrogate Borough Council. In 2017 as part of the fight against the relief road, I was elected to North Yorkshire County Council.  I am now, the first ever the Climate Change Champion and I am promoting an environmentally friendly approach to everything the council does as part of business as usual so that it is sustainable.

I sit on the Transport, Economy, Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and make it a point to attend all the fortnightly meetings of the Executive, which are in Northallerton. I like to keep my finger on the pulse.

I am the only councillor on Food for the Future (Fix our Food) York and North Yorkshire in conjunction with the University of York

I also represent North Yorkshire at Transport for the North and chair the Scrutiny Committee.

If you were to ask what I have done then I might cite:

Leading the successful campaign against the Relief Road across the Nidd, supporting the residents around Knox Lane to get the proposed inappropriate development refused planning permission. And just yesterday, I was scrambling down the side of the Viaduct in Bilton with a project engineer to check on the impact of recent slippage of the riverbank to assess the potential impact.

This year, I have used my locality grant to support:

New Beginnings Charity – supporting women after domestic abuse.

Resurrected Bites – reducing food waste, loneliness and food poverty.

Nidd Action Group – protecting the water quality in the Nidd.

Installation of VAS signs – improving road safety outside schools.

At my professional work

I help people and businesses transform their performance through delivering sustainable, measurable improvement.
With clients across the world, my management consultancy provides Executive Coaching and Business Consultancy including ESG, the Circular Economy and Mergers and Acquisitions (up to £100M).

In recent years as a CEO, I managed the sale and acquisition for £82.5m of a retail company based in London on behalf of the owner.

At home

Paul Haslam at homeMarried to Kath, granddaughter of a Yorkshire coal miner. We have two dogs who I can be seen running with daily, Charlie and Sidney. We love living in Bilton, Harrogate where we settled in January 2006. We have two very grown up children and 6 grandchildren. I grew up in a corner shop which my mother ran, whilst my Dad worked as a “progress chaser” at Hawker Siddeley (aerospace). I confess to having spent much of my formative years in Lancashire but can honestly say I have now been In Yorkshire for past thirty years and so hope to be considered a local. However, I have been known to watch reruns of Peter Kay to remind me of a happy past!

At play

Outside my council aims which drive me, I am mainly seen running with my two dogs. I will be running the London Marathon again in April, raising money for Guide Dogs.

Donate to my campaign!

If you like what you have seen, then you might consider giving more than your vote. This could be by telling your friends about me (especially if they live in York and North Yorkshire) or donating to my campaign.

Donate Here

Thank You!


Although I was unsuccessful in my mayoral candidacy, the positive feedback from so many of you has encouraged me to stand as an independent MP candidate for Harrogate & Knaresborough.

 I hope to secure your continued support in this endeavour.

Please visit for more information.

